Often meetings will be set up w/o including all the attendees in the meeting invite. When this happens, Hugo does not know who the attendees are. Therefore, one has to first save the meeting note, then manually edit the note by adding the attendees.
Adding new email addresses for attendees is a painful experience with Hugo because Hugo does not recognize common email address syntax nor allow for adding multiple email addresses to a note's attendees.
See this screen capture:
Request that Hugo recognize common email address syntaxes when adding attendees in meeting edit mode.
For example, Hugo should be able to accept this string and (1) recognize contacts it knows, and (2) create contacts it does not know, properly completing the fist, last, email, and company fields:
Higgins, Barry [GPSIE] <@its.jnj.com>; Hakim, Tasneem [VIS] <@its.jnj.com>
Cc: Hoover, David [JANUS] <@its.jnj.com>; Margherita De Minicis <@its.jnj.com>; Meaney, John [JANIE] <@ITS.JNJ.com>; Horberg, Andrew [GTSUS] <@ITS.JNJ.com>; Shannon Craft <@its.jnj.com>;